Applied Knowledge Financial Accounting
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Applied Knowledge Financial Accounting

Language: English & Nepali

Instructors: Shyam Upreti, CA

Validity Period: 180 days

Max Viewing Hours: 100 Hours

Rs10000 20% OFF

Rs8000 including VAT

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This comprehensive course is designed for Applied Knowledge level of ACCA

Course Details

  • Course Duration:
  • Device: Laptop/Mobile Phone/Tablet
  • Watch Hours:
  • Validity: 180 Days

Course Curriculum

Basic Introduction
1.Basic Introduction (28:00)
2. Basic Introduction (41:00)
3. Basic Introduction (40:00)
4.Basic Introduction (34:00)
5. Basic Introduction (34:00)
6. Basic Introduction (77:00)
Chapter 1 l Introduction to financial reporting
Chapter 2 l The regulatory framework
Chapter 3 l Double entry bookkeeping
1.Chapter 3 Double-Entry Bookkeeping (44:00)
2.Chapter 3 Double-Entry Bookkeeping (42:00)
3.Chapter 3 Double-Entry Bookkeeping (47:00)
Chapter 4 l Recording basic transactions and balancing the ledgers
Chapter 5 l Returns, discounts and sales tax
1. Returns, Discounts And Sales Tax (45:00)
2. Returns, DiscountsAnd Sales Tax (66:00)
3. Returns, Discounts And Sales Tax (42:00)
4. Returns, DiscountsAnd Sales Tax (31:00)
Chapter 6 l Inventory
1. Inventory (42:00)
2. Inventory (46:00)
3. Inventory (49:00)
4. Inventory (46:00)
5. Inventory (44:00)
Chapter 7 l Non-current assets: acquisition and depreciation
1. Non Current Assets- Acquisition And Depreciation (46:00)
2. Non Current Assets- Acquisition And Depreciation (56:00)
3. Non Current Assets- Acquisition And Depreciation (39:00)
4. Non Current Assets- Acquisition And Depreciation (36:00)
5. Non Current Assets- Acquisition And Depreciation (31:00)
6. Non Current Assets- Acquisition And Depreciation (27:00)
Chapter 8 l Non-current assets: disposal and revaluation
1. Non Current Assets- Disposal And Revaluation (39:00)
2. Non Current Assets- Disposal And Revaluation (38:00)
3.Non Current Assets- Disposal And Revaluation (46:00)
4.Non Current Assets- Disposal And Revaluation (43:00)
Chapter 9 l Intangible assets
1. Intangible Assets (57:00)
Chapter 10 l Accruals and prepayments
1. Accruals And Prepayments (28:00)
2. Accruals and prepayments (47:00)
3. Accruals and prepayments (78:00)
Chapter 11 l Receivables
1. Receivables (39:00)
2. Receivables (61:00)
Chapter 12 l Payables, provisions and contingent liabilities
Chapter 13 l Capital structure and finance costs
1. Capital Structure And Finance Costs (61:00)
2. Capital Structure And Finance Costs (45:00)
3. Capital Structure And Finance Costs (57:00)
4. Capital Structure And Finance Costs (69:00)
Chapter 14 l Control account reconciliations
1. Control Account Reconciliations (37:00)
2. Control Account Reconciliations (32:00)
3. Control Account Reconcilistions (46:00)
4. Control Account Reconcilistions (50:00)
5. Control Account Reconcilistions (29:00)
Chapter 15 l Bank reconciliations
1. Bank Reconciliations (42:00)
2. Bank Reconciliations (60:00)
3. Bank Reconciliations (70:00)
Chapter 16 l The trial balance, errors and suspense accounts
1. The Trial Balance, Errors & Suspense Accounts (35:00)
2. The Trial Balance, Errors & Suspense Accounts (54:00)
3. The Trial Balance, Errors & Suspense Accounts (56:00)
4. The Trial Balance, Errors & Suspense Accounts (65:00)
Chapter 17 l Preparing basic financial statements
2. Preparing Basic Financial Statements (80:00)
1. Preparing Basic Financial Statements (42:00)
3. Preparing Basic Financial Statements (46:00)
4. Preparing Basic Financial Statements (43:00)
5. Preparing Basic Financial Statements
Chapter 18 l Incomplete records
1. Incomplete Records (45:00)
2. Incomplete Records (33:00)
3. Incomplete Records (41:00)
Chapter 19 l Statement of cash flows
1.Statement of Cash Flows (59:00)
2.Statement Of Cash Flows (59:00)
3.Statement of Cash Flows (70:00)
Chapter 20 l Interpretation of financial statements
Chapter 21 l Consolidated statement of financial position
1. Consolidated Statement Of Financial Position (18:00)
2. Consolidated Statement Of Financial Position (25:00)
3. Consolidated Statement Of Financial Position (28:00)
Chapter 22 l Consolidated statement of profit or loss and associates

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